David Rodriguez

Has Prevail positively impacted your life in more ways than just fitness? Prevail has positively affected my overall mood, confidence, solving problems at work, and being more outgoing. Without feeling strong, I am not sure how I would react to life problems.

How does Prevail Conditioning differ from other fitness centers? At Prevail, you get coaching that understands your goals, more importantly, how your body functions–to find the best program to reach those goals functionally, opposed to one size fits all. Even if you are not training with other coaches, you still feel the friendliness and encouragement from everyone.

Who do you think could benefit from training at Prevail and why? ANYONE can benefit from training at Prevail. If you want to get stronger, learn how your muscles function, and grow; if your goal is to lose weight, get a bit more active with a fun group of people, or want to train for an event, then perfect. I am confident Prevail can help anyone achieve their goals, so long as they have a positive mindset.

What are you most proud of achieving since training at Prevail? I am proud to squat more than a plate, continuously get stronger with bench press, and improve my pull-up. Growing up, I have always been a skinny person. Fast forward to today, to be able to perform compound movements with a higher weight each week has been incredibly motivating!