Meet Karen Moore!
I am 54 years old and work as a life coach. My degree is in Spiritual Psychology and I help my clients create lives that they love! The focus of my life has been health and healing because I had 2 devastating accidents that shaped my interest in health, healing, alternative medicine and the body-mind connection. I spent a year on my back and a decade in pain after being rear-ended by a drunk driver when I was 21. I also had a 50-pound metal table fall from rafters and split my skull open when I was 35. I have been working towards a full recovery from my injuries sustained in these accidents for my entire adult life.
When did you start coming to Prevail?
I don’t know… I suspect 3 years. (December 2015)
What impact has training at Prevail made in your life?
My intention in training at Prevail has been to bring my body back to complete health, wellness and vitality as though my accidents never happened as well to achieve my highest level of fitness possible. During the past 3 years I have steadily moved forward in all areas of my health, including strength, vascular fitness, improved energy and a higher quality of sleep. I am completely pain and injury free for the first time since I was 21 years old. Chris has been brilliant and attuned enough to push me as hard as possible in each session without injuring me and setting me back in my training, as has happened so often in the past. I appreciate that Chris treats me as though I am an Olympic athlete during each and every session. He gives me 100% of his focus through the entire session. He rarely takes his eyes off of me and he constantly guides my posture, breath, bracing, foot position, etc. He is constantly teaching me about proper movement. I love that Chris is a scientist who charts my numbers. He consistently changes our workouts, keeps them challenging and interesting. Chris has truly found his life’s calling with this work and he is hands down the consummate professional who has reached the highest level in his field. I am honored and grateful to work with him.
Do you have any words of encouragement or tips for somebody new to exercise (or restarting)?
End in mind ~ What would you like to create? Take time to get clear about your highest vision for your health and then hire a team to support you one day at a time. For me ~ If we lose our lifelong health and wellbeing ~ all is lost. Let your health be your greatest investment. Like a garden, our body is always striving to thrive and bloom and it just needs love, water and sunshine, as well as regular massage!
What are your hobbies?
Cycling, Swimming, Yoga, Reading, Travel, Personal Growth, and Meditation
What is your favorite movement/exercise?
My favorite movement is my warm up ~ where I roll, stretch, attune to and warm up any creaky parts before I train. This is sanctuary time for me. My least favorite exercise is anything I am not good at YET…