Bri Aguilar

Why did you choose Prevail Conditioning? My husband has been a member at Prevail and I noticed that he enjoyed it and how much it benefited him. I felt like I had no time for myself since I am very busy with my kids, volunteering for various nonprofits, and working, so I wanted to take some time for my health. I decided to try out Prevail. I liked it because it motivated me to care for myself.

What is your favorite exercise? I had a broken toe, I couldn’t do a lot of exercises, but I enjoy doing sled work. Overall, It is nice to be able to do things since I couldn’t do much.

What is your least favorite? Echo bike. I did a lot of it because of my injury, but I am grateful for it.

How does Prevail Conditioning differ from other fitness centers you have been a part of?
I have been a member of many gyms, but what makes Prevail stand out is that I look forward to the workouts, and Prevail holds me accountable. I like the Metabolic class because it offers the movements I like and helped me prepare for my 10k.

Who do you think could benefit from training at Prevail and why? Moms would benefit because, as a mom, I struggle with putting myself first, getting so focused on work and my kids. But Prevail has made me committed to taking care of myself and holds me accountable to it.

What is something you have achieved since working out at Prevail that you are most proud of? Since working out at Prevail, I have gotten better at push-ups. Now I can do correct push-ups! Before, my form was terrible.