Jason Davanzo

Tell us a little background about yourself! What does your life outside of the gym look like?

Outside of the gym I run a business called The Ruff Ranch which is located up in the Santa Ynez Valley. It’s in it’s 3rd year and very busy with amazing dogs, staff and clients every day of the year.  It for sure keeps me on my toes.  My true love outside of the gym besides, skiing, my dog Otto, and riding motorcycles, is the work I get to do in theater. Currently I am rehearsing for 2 plays that will be coming up in January and March at SBCC Theater and Centerstage. 

What impact has training at Prevail made in your life?

Training at Prevail gives me a huge mental and physical focus in life.  The mental side of getting up early for my workouts and training allows me to start the day in a positive fashion and  the quote on the wall that I love is “Intensity cannot replace consistency” Showing up is key.  Physically without my training program and support from the Prevail Team to work hard, I wouldn’t be able to maintain my heavy work schedule and rehearsal schedules  or enjoy the physical side of  life.  The feedback and support from my coach Chris, Peter and the team are critical to making gains and doing it safely.

What are you most proud of achieving since training at Prevail?

I am most proud of overcoming my ongoing challenges with my lower back and 2 herniated discs. It’s been a constant struggle and awareness of what needs to get stronger, how to stretch, roll, and work with preventative measures to continue to avoid the pain.  As I get older, this work is even more important to get right.

What is your favorite exercise/movement?

I love to push or pull the sled.  Something about moving a mass across the floor is a huge accomplishment and it works your entire body and mind.  It’s always amazing how hard it is but how rewarding it can be when you get to the end of that huge effort.  (Oh and jumping rope…)

Do you have any words of encouragement or tips for somebody new to exercise (or restarting)?

I have been an athlete and worked out my entire life but the last few years were a struggle and I couldn’t find the motivation or show up for myself.  The hardest thing to do was to get there for the first time and start over, or challenge ourselves to do something that we might not be good at early on. It’s the small changes and commitment we make every day to choose what we get to do and being physical is the foundation of being healthy.  Go for it!

Any additional comments you would like to share?

What I love at Prevail is everyone who works there and who works out there supports one another.  This is not a gym that is full of ego, judgement or vanity. It’s a place where we all come to work on ourselves together and the support and care is incredible.  I love seeing my friends and look forward to sharing the hard workouts we are all doing together.